This last proverb sums up a traditional view of debt as a last-resort means of affording necessities, when the alternative would be immediate hardship, perhaps disaster.
Business must have qualifying business loans and must be experiencing immediate financial hardship.
Is your business suffering an immediate financial hardship?
Colombia will not suffer immediate hardship even though its flourishing economy benefits in part from drug profits.
Together with Israel's decision to close the Palestinian territories, the suspension of payments is bound to exert immediate and severe economic hardship.
The drought has caused immediate hardship to farmers, who make up nearly half the population.
There won't be any immediate hardship.
The farmers are hardly crying immediate economic hardship.
But after the war, an immediate hardship caused by new taxes and reduced wages and new settlers threatening African land led to new movements.
In a country that has suffered a serious economic decline in recent years, this is causing immediate and widespread hardship.