Driving a truck over a bridge that is too weak to support it usually does not result in an immediate collapse.
Of course, the military were chosen to deal with the most dangerous situations, and sent into places threatened with immediate collapse.
Threatened with the immediate collapse of his plans, Edward desperately needed some positive military results.
Yes an immediate total collapse of the banking system was averted.
Continuous operation requires precise control of all elements to prevent immediate collapse.
Westerners active in the area warn of a slow deterioration, though not an immediate collapse.
In short, Japanese stock traders and analysts say that, while the boom obviously is over for their market, they have no fears of immediate collapse.
The great steel bridge was swaying, its whole vast weight threatening an immediate collapse.
Cyanide concentrations of 300 ppm can lead to immediate collapse.
Long-range sensors reported the birth and almost immediate collapse of the wormhole he had created.