He also indicated that American proposals for a single, total and immediate cancellation of poor countries' multilateral debt had not won unanimous approval here.
There would be an immediate cancellations of ALL moritoriums of fossil fuel exploration.
They had immediate cancellations of some conventions, and they were immediately replaced by other conventions.
His resignation caused the immediate cancellation of the hearings.
On 22 May 2012, Skyways announced immediate cancellation of all flights due to lack of finances.
Reportedly, the incident offended the management of ABC's local affiliates in the southern states, and led to the show's immediate cancellation despite its growing popularity.
The team had been selected but the outbreak of the Second World War on 1 September 1939 caused the tour's immediate cancellation.
Infringement of this rule will result in immediate cancellation of the visit.
Our Parliament should declare itself in favour of the immediate and unconditional cancellation of this entire debt.
"Otherwise, we cause immediate cancellation of the lauch-and put Defiant at least a week behind schedule."