Expecting an immediate infantry assault, the German defenders returned to their forward positions.
As the door slapped shut behind me, the immediate assault on my senses nearly knocked me off my feet.
Tasia leaned back, relieved at least that the Admiral hadn't ordered an immediate assault.
For many, the only justification for the 'flank march' was an immediate assault upon Sevastopol.
Thus, an immediate follow-up assault on North America had been averted.
A man who somehow felt his post was removed from immediate assault, the patrol farthest away from the area of contention.
The latest batch of intelligence reports had arrived at the headquarters and they seemed to point to an immediate assault.
I'm ordering an immediate assault on the planet.
The town was completely surrounded on October 25, and might have fallen, had the Ottomans attempted an immediate assault.
Although their forces surrounded the town, they did not press home any immediate assault.