The validation (immediate apprehension) of truth, value and existence all being intuitive as expressed by Aristotle's Noesis.
"When I was asked to read a screenplay about Margaret Thatcher, I think I felt immediate apprehension," she says.
Obviously she had not thought deeply enough, but she resented Tharius Don's immediate apprehension in the matter.
A warrant for his immediate apprehension has been sent to all law enforcement agencies and a media campaign is underway to inform the public.
They give us an immediate apprehension of form, albeit with a residual sense that the forms apprehended are illusory.
He no longer was at risk of immediate apprehension.
Faith in God sprang from an immediate apprehension that had nothing to do with concepts and rationality.
It made some strange noises, then added, "Recommend immediate apprehension.
My own experience with Diamond was nearly instantaneous, too-except that the initial attraction was cerebral in nature, an immediate apprehension of spiritual affinity.
It is the capacity for, process of, or result of discursive thinking, in contrast with the immediate apprehension that is characteristic of noesis.