He remains an extremely disturbed, immature, and dangerous man.
For many months, by the delegated order of the King executed through his officers, this immature young man has learned these deadly crafts.
During the trip, they become friends with an immature youthful older man, who is on the verge of a divorce.
A quote of his ("The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause.
Knowing, dutiful women and cheating, immature men: how can this still be the way of the world at the end of the 20th century?
At worst it seemed a case of two immature men behaving in an irresponsible manner.
Unfortunately, he is also an immature and boastful young man.
The tragic fact is that it was the sexual curiosity of a very immature young man that led to this killing.
Some of the immature men in our group, like me, later couldn't help quoting Nansen's line whenever anyone failed to be sufficiently reckless.
Anyone who has one in their family will know how easily influenced, how immature, young men of that age are.