City network also exist in immaterial form, such as trade, global finance, markets, migration, cultural links, shared social spaces or shared histories.
Unbeknownst to them, Shade is also present, in an invisible and immaterial form, which allows him to experience the sensations of anything into which he passes.
He can see the future to a limited degree, but still seeks to rule the world despite his largely immaterial form.
She had never had to endure pain before, for it didn't exist in immaterial form; she couldn't handle it.
"I hid in the sphinx's ear until night, then shifted to immaterial form."
Maximal life extension requires conversion to immaterial form.
Rain Brain: She speaks in a stream of consciousness and can take on an abstract immaterial form.
The Magus escapes the Soul Gem in an immaterial form.
His immaterial form shimmered, looking slightly less solid than a hologram.
Even in his immaterial form, the stresses on the Way began to dissolve him.