We just came from an immaculate kitchen and tidy living room.
We stepped into an immaculate kitchen warmed by a slant of late afternoon sun and a preheating oven.
In her immaculate kitchen she said, "Yes, I've changed.
He walked through the living-room and peered into an immaculate kitchen.
He went into the immaculate kitchen and absently half-filled the kettle.
He takes us into the immaculate kitchen in the rear, where an old man sits on a stool, tying sausages with string.
The two sat down at the table in the immaculate kitchen.
In the image, a young couple stand in their large, immaculate kitchen.
We were sitting now in the immaculate white kitchen, a room curiously devoid of mystery for such an esoteric meeting.
He stepped on a foot pedal, a glass door slid open, and I followed him into the immaculate kitchen.