The races on the Nan river are colourful and unequalled because the racing boats are brightly adorned with imaginatively designed prows.
See pictures and specifications for this imaginatively designed bike.
Together, the pair have collaborated on the Royalton and the Paramount, two of the most imaginatively designed public spaces New York has seen in years.
They happily stay at imaginatively designed hotels where they can't figure out how to turn on the lights or use the sink.
Beautifully appointed and imaginatively designed, with eight elevated Meru-style canvas and thatched chalets.
The inaugural show, "Laughing Matters," takes the visitor, supplied with headphones, on an imaginatively designed, two-and-one-half-hour trip through the history of humor.
It's also worth visiting to admire its imaginatively designed rock garden courtyard.
Some imaginatively designed demonstrations requiring waivers of Medicaid and Medicare regulations already show promise.
Fashionable boutiques and working-class clothing stores have sprouted whole departments devoted to gaily colored and imaginatively designed paper apparel.
An imaginatively designed store, it did not attract sufficient custom, so Smiths quickly cut its losses and closed it.