In addition to his imaginative skills as a designer, Bluemner was a superb colorist, assigning psychological properties to each color.
Events were there to hone the managerial and imaginative skills of the participants.
A Child's Imagination Some of the most effective methods for minimizing children's pain capitalize on a child's natural imaginative skills and high degree of suggestibility.
A10 The repair work, like so much about the extraordinary relief effort across Asia, has been distinguished by unpredictable, often frustrating problems whose solutions require imaginative improvisational skills.
In his latest undertaking, Mr. Kirschner will again have to call upon his considerable imaginative skills.
Best of all, what John grows in the walled garden, Patricia cooks with imaginative skill.
There is a reference to 'debate within a wide academic community', and, echoing Robbins (1963), to the development of the student's 'intellectual and imaginative skills and powers'.
In terms of attendance, Nashua also proved successful, in part because of Bavasi's imaginative promotional skills.
Such profundities may be Palahniuk's stock in trade, yet a writer of his confidence and imaginative skill hardly needs them.
Her passion for this coupled with her imaginative skills, kindled her desire to become a writer herself.