Griffiths far instance, only came across Lewis's power of imaginative invention and insight of which I had no conception before.
The question remains: how much inside knowledge did Pauwels and Bergier really have, or how much of their thesis was merely imaginative invention?
Rather, they take a broad, galloping leap - through language and sheer imaginative invention - away from the mundane realities of the contemporary world.
The imaginative invention is dazzling.
Our highest and most serious imaginative inventions may show themselves in the medium of the arts.
It is also a staggering exercise in imaginative and formal invention.
He lacked imaginative invention, but resolutely placed himself in the forefront of reaction against the violence and "conceit" into which the baser kind of English poetry was descending.
It was a typical invention - imaginative, technically foolproof and very easy to operate.
A certain melancholy ambiguity - a sense that despite the possibilities of imaginative invention, real freedom may be impossible - runs throughout Mr. Kabakov's oeuvre.
Instead of trying to re-create history, he has simply used a handful of biographical facts as a point of departure for his own imaginative inventions.