Thus there is no evidence as yet for any imaginative creation, development and writing up of a range of stories within the English fabliau corpus.
As Starhawk vividly demonstrates, to name the Goddess and to invoke her presence can be a potent act of imaginative creation.
Did their social structures provide for imaginative creation?
The imaginative creations of its chief designer, Ted Cabarga, are coveted by candidates nationally.
Her most imaginative creations are linked silver belts, her version of the Southwest concho belt.
The story is one that reaveals that 'ghosts' are just imaginative creations devoploped in movies.
A picture in such a book is an invitation to reverie and often comes to life in joint imaginative creation between the adult and the child.
How can a catalogue stuffed with the workaday and the trivial be without such a wildly imaginative creation and a seminal work of post-modernism?
Yet its most vital imaginative creations turn out to be the oppressors.
Instead, they can be viewed as the imaginative creations of an author who had "problematic relationships with women, starting with his mother."