This is an imaginative attempt to dress craven pragmatism as high principle, but it makes no sense.
You have made some imaginative attempts at the medical terms, most of them incorrect.
The growing pressures on detention accommodation resulted in an imaginative attempt to provide new spaces by means of a floating detention centre.
Like art, religion is an imaginative and creative attempt to find a meaning and value in human life.
The exhibition suggests that many fantastical creatures were imaginative attempts to make sense of the enormous mastodon and mammoth fossils found by ancient cultures.
Data doubted he could have done more in the same time, although he would not have considered some of Wesley's more imaginative attempts.
The disciplines of devekuth were an imaginative attempt to strip the veil of familiarity from the world to discover the glory within.
Their vision was an imaginative attempt to depict the interdependence of God and mankind.
An imaginative attempt "to fill in the blank spaces" of slavery.
This was an imaginative attempt to convince the declarer that West was short in diamonds, and it succeeded totally.