All the books in the Song of the Arkafina are set in an imaginary universe known as the Gyre.
Saphism being a social norm in this imaginary universe, the love these women experience is often with other women.
But at night, in his crowded one-room apartment, Darger ruled over an imaginary universe of extraordinary richness.
Angela tries to cope by inventing an imaginary universe of 'order' for herself and her little sister.
Based on the author's own experiences, the novel describes the rich inner life the patient still manages and the imaginary universe in which he places his nurses.
Lanarck reached his arm into the imaginary universe and pulled the imagined space-boat close to the aperture.
The car is able to transport the 11-year-olds and their companions to far-flung parts of an imaginary universe.
They're postulating that in some imaginary universe this might have an effect, but there's no data backing up the how and why.
Let's rewind our imaginary universe 15 billion years, to long before the time life first appeared.
No, what I've in mind is an imaginary universe.