The physician produced a knife and cut off the imaginary fly, and then showed Numan Pasha a dead one that was already hidden in his hand.
Without looking up from his book Phil's hand shot out and smacked the wall and the imaginary fly.
Lancaster sighed and brushed an imaginary fly from his nose.
George stood at the edge of the pool, and cast an imaginary fly.
Donner moved in his sleep at the sound, slapping at his round face as if chasing an imaginary fly or spider.
The cat rolled over on to its back and shadow-boxed with imaginary flies, guileless of face.
The subject would climb upon a chair to brush them from about the gas jet or stealthily try to touch an imaginary fly on the table with his finger.
Women would swat imaginary flies as I walked by.
She swished her tail, smashing imaginary flies.
Gaby batted an imaginary fly in front of her face, looking sour.