The wholesalers at the Market then sold it to restaurateurs and retailers who purchased fresh fish of every imaginable variety.
Its storage compartments almost bulged with fuel stores and food stores and equipment of every imaginable variety.
Peter Matheson had, of course, never done any of those things, although he had spent time bringing to justice Mexican banditos and outlaws of every imaginable variety.
A Map Cheese-lovers will want to make a stop here; you'll find every imaginable variety, including low-fat for those counting cholesterol numbers.
Buy the product in every imaginable variety and packaging combination (tip: it's a fab snack to carry around sightseeing).
Over the face of the hills grew every imaginable variety of yeast and mold and rust.
Casimir looked around the room: a firetrap stuffed with books and papers and every imaginable variety of electronic junk.
The entries number 544, covering approximately 750 individuals who committed every imaginable variety of mayhem: mutilation, necrophilia, cannibalism, dismemberment, vampirism, human sacrifice.
Thana pulled out a drawer and showed Link an assortment of rocks and stones of every imaginable variety.
San Francisco was the perfect university for this education, because it offered innumerable world-class restaurants in every imaginable ethnic variety.