Legends are difficult to date, and almost any imaginable type of nature miracle is likely to turn up somewhere in the varied folklore of a culture.
Sure enough, there was the chest, a fine old piece, all studded with brass nails, and full to overflowing with every imaginable type of garment.
Just about every imaginable everyday type was represented here, and each was made believable by its portrayer.
As it is, the power of intimidation insinuates itself in every imaginable type of crime.
They blame them for spreading leprosy and every imaginable type of disease, despite the lack of evidence that it is so.
The World Wide Web has become a gigantic bazaar for every imaginable type of collectible.
"We are increasing gas prices, while Gazprom is investing in all imaginable and unimaginable types of business."
Brown had provided endless activities and classes and groups for every imaginable type of artist, misfit, and computer geek.
The store dazzled the eye with every imaginable type of serving vessel and even carried its own brand of champagne.
Lieutenant Wexler said every imaginable type of firearm had been surrendered.