A few are pure in color, all white or all pink, but most of them are like floral tapestries, mixing red, white, yellow and pink in every imaginable combination of two or more colors.
They might effortlessly toss off the most complex rhythmic combinations imaginable, but ask them to swing straight eighth notes and many will draw a blank.
He could have any reality on the menu, or any reality he could dream up, since everything imagined and imaginable and every combination of it had been programmed into the Virtual computer.
Our continuous immersion prevented us from dying of thirst, though the sea water and the sunshine gave us the prettiest imaginable combination of salt pickle and sunburn.
T-shirts have also become a medium for self-expression and advertising, with any imaginable combination of words, art and photographs on display.
Pictured are men and women both, of every color and every age, in every imaginable combination.
Video game atoms can be arranged in every imaginable combination.
"In fact, every imaginable combination exists - stuff comes in illegally and leaves legally; stuff comes in legally and leaves as contraband, and so on."
This means that the pump may handle a flow stream (well stream) from 100 percent gas to 100 percent liquid and every imaginable combination in between.