Beckmann's imagery often evokes a kind of stage on which bizarre epic dramas unfold and in which he himself assumes the part of the leading player.
The music, again by Bhansali, and the artistic visual imagery that the film evokes act as lifesavers when the screenplay gets a bit monotonous.
Its imagery evokes a painterly fluidity, comparable to paint on canvas that has been allowed deliberately to run down over a previous picture with layers of overlapping color.
Lyricist Neil Peart has stated that the detailed imagery in the song intentionally evokes concentration camps of the Holocaust.
Colorful, multimedia paintings in the form of large, open books in which abstracted, fragmentary, layered imagery evokes generalized landscapes.
Although she says, "I'm not asking you to vote for Rick because he's a good father and husband," the ad's imagery evokes that idea.
The imagery, especially the symbolism of the shadow, evokes a sense of melancholy and sadness.
Rather, the imagery evokes corruption and decay.
The imagery evokes "Star Wars."