Fleeting images of antennae and awkward shapes whirled by the window far too fast for him to distinguish.
The images whirled madly, confused, as if some capricious winds snatched at them.
The images of the day whirled and spun crazily in his head, making him dizzy.
As she watched, standing still, the image suddenly whirled around and around, as if dancing.
And in his mind a thousand images whirled.
The images before him whirled toward chaos again.
Strange images whirled before her- Where was she?
Of a sudden, the image whirled and with a frightening countenance stalked over to the hole in the wall.
The image on his screen whirled to the left, real-time, as he sank into the gel.
The images of their life together whirled in her head like memories - distinct and unfettered.