The image solidified, and it was time for me to go.
Suddenly the image of Captain Onidi Louchard solidified in and around the table.
The image almost solidified.
At that thought, the image of the sword and a square black background with white around it solidified and became still.
On the screens of the forward detectors, the image of an object considerably bigger than the Pearl took shape and rapidly solidified.
Within moments, six shimmering images appeared on the bridge of the da Vinci and solidified into humanoid figures both known and unknown.
An image broke from the rest, solidified, and sharpened.
The image quickly darkened and solidified until the academician appeared as solid as Bandar.
By the time she'd unfastened all the various locks, that grotesquely distorted image had solidified in her mind.
The warble intensified, and the images solidified.