The words that you see (or hear) in the CAPTCHA come from digitised images of books, newspapers and old radio shows.
The same images of antique books, representing all of his codified memories, still lined the shelves.
I easily transferred images of several books I like, as well as images of covers of CDs made by my daughter, a musician.
The website facilitates access to brief descriptions and some images of documents, books, and cultural properties.
These are scanned images of books stored in and around Osmania University, Hyderabad, India.
The portrait heads are located high on the walls of the U-shaped floor, running above the windows, with paintings several feet apart spaced out by images mainly of books.
Have an image of books worth a thousand words?
He had a heart attack last year, but looked fit today - almost preppy - in a blue blazer, gray slacks and a silk tie decorated with images of books.
Fawn Potash's images of books piled up like precarious circus acts share the same problem.
Great images of books from around the world and the Web.