What trivial images the populists conjured to stir some fear in their audiences.
Such images usually conjure thoughts of dark deeds in distant dictatorships.
Rambling conjures an image of confused, elderly folk wandering aimlessly, unable to read the map because they have dropped their glasses.
The image of vast Kara-Tur, he knew, could not help but conjure images of tea, spices, rubies, and silk among the merchants.
But the images they had conjured enchanted Smash's imagination.
She has heard reports that some are sneaking into bus deports at night - wow what an image this 'modification' conjures!
She remembered her own fear, but it was a small part of the emotions the images conjured.
The image conjured in Rose's mind, of Vic naked, lying among the lush foliage of the gardens, made her insides quiver.
The final images conjure all kinds of things in your head - a bit like Rorschach test cards.
The images conjured translated themselves into a lustful frenzy.