In "the Imaginary order," their own image permanently catches and captivates the subject.
The image of the dead Che Guevara captivates her; and she falls more or less in love with two Latin American guerrillas brought to Havana for training (and, to their disgust, for tightly cautious oversight by Cuban officials).
The images will captivate you and the stories of these women's diverse journeys to motherhood will touch your heart.
But their images once captivated a nation with fantasies of feminine triumph and victimization, creating larger-than-life personalities to coincide with the birth of a new medium.
His sweeping images captivated the journalists who observed the movement.
The image of a long-dead sultan, bearded and gazing impassively from beneath his ceremonial turban, has captivated his former Ottoman capital.
One image captivated everyone: a pair of cat's eyes, with a dancer reflected in them.
The poster portrayed the Egyptian goddess Isis enthroned in a temple; this image captivated St. Denis on the spot and inspired her to create dances that expressed the mysticism that the goddess's image conveyed.
Some stories made him as tragic as the warlock and there were many who feared him as much, but the image of a great stallion, blacker than a starless night, had captivated her.