These images bear some resemblance to depictions of kouros figures in Greco-Roman art.
Yet even in the wake of Marcel Duchamp's readymades, much of the audience for art still wants images to bear evidence of their makers' intervention.
That image of the youth bears little resemblance to another Robert Cole, the one many in his neighborhood remember.
Once more these images bear witness, this time to the effects of a lifetime of walking around.
The temptation is to say video images, since electronic image making increasingly bears the primary responsibility for supplying society with pictures.
Everyone dances, even the barefoot men bearing the image and the boys bearing standard or farol.
Not only did she learn the technical basics of photography from him, but also her images of Mexico unavoidably bear a surface resemblance to his.
This image bears the date "vaishakh shukla 3,1554 vikram samvat".
Additionally, the saint's image bears an uncanny resemblance to that of the poet Anna Akhmatova in her mid-20s.
Otherwise, his image would have borne "no agony, no Jew-ness, no poverty or struggle."