Roitman, invoking illustrious examples as Rabelais, uses the entire word.
An illustrious example is Franz Kafka".
If it be not so, this does not arise from the want of an illustrious example in the person of your Majesty, and that of your royal Consort.
The film portrays the decline of human values and relationships and contrasts it by presenting an illustrious example of a boy's innocent love for a neighbourhood courtesan.
The Lord-in-Waiting was perhaps mollified toward me when he saw me following his illustrious example in retiring from the royal presence.
He followed a more illustrious example, "Neither do I condemn thee; go sin no more" was the effect of his vote; he did not in fact pronounce upon the main question.
His own illustrious example was encouragement, was for a command to every thinker to make known to all his fellows that which he believed to be the truth.
He says that an "illustrious example" of this style can be found in the popular philosophical work Letters Concerning Mind.
Sarah Bernhardt, the "divine Sarah" was an illustrious example of a woman who knew how to co-operate with the inevitable.
There can be no more illustrious example than Pompidou Centre.