Sova's owner, Djordjije Stajkic, said business was down 10 to 15 percent since the movements of some of his more illustrious clients had been restricted.
"I took the precious case into my hands and looked in some perplexity from it to my illustrious client. "
Amongst his list of illustrious clients was David Oistrakh.
Why is it you have all these illustrious clients?
Anyway, one night Clinton and his wife were driving home-" Now he was off on some story about the car of this illustrious client of his breaking down in Ozone Park, Queens.
He created pieces for illustrious clients including Marlene Dietrich, Michèle Morgan, Maurice Chevalier and the Duchess of Windsor.
Finally, at a conference of the Organization for African Unity in Burkina Faso, Mr. Ouedraogo met his illustrious client.
Shangri-la, for all its illustrious clients, was a weird place, and he'd come out into the cold as much to get away from it as to perform his heroic act.
Did Mrs. Parish really swat a young Caroline Kennedy, precipitating a split between the decorator and her most illustrious client?
Van'd be asking what happened to my wits if I failed to make so obvious a courtesy call on our illustrious client.