The effect of illumination intensities upon speed of perception and upon fatigue in reading.
Involuntary blink rate and illumination intensity in visual work.
Series resistance losses are therefore most important at high illumination intensities.
According to some researchers the illumination intensity that excites the circadian system has to reach up to 1000 lux striking the retina.
This is analogous to the way that lumens per square meter determine illumination intensity.
The sample is illuminated inhomogeneously with the illumination intensity being very small (zero under ideal conditions) at one position.
For the present it is sufficient to explain the term as the apparent increase in the size of a subject as the illumination intensity increases.
However the relation is of interest, because it says something about how the measure might behave under variations in the illumination intensity.
Option 1 is most usually chosen if the illumination intensity has been changed, in which case the exposure will need to be recalculated.
The optical path is shortened and the light cube delivers bright illumination intensities.