The Tate Gallery, London, took two of Glass' illuminated books for their collection in 2006.
The work reproduced many of Blake's illustrations from public and private collections, interspersed throughout the biography and series of plates from his illuminated books.
It selects 140 illuminated books such as the Sherborne Missal and the Bedford Hours.
Habsburg's presale estimate for the illustrated and illuminated book, probably dating from the 14th century, is about $500,000.
This comparative tolerance finds expression in the wonderful illuminated books at the Metropolitan from St. Catherine's in the Sinai.
Far more numerous are his illuminated books and miniatures.
The process is also referred to as illuminated printing, and the finished products as illuminated books or prints.
Relief etching (which Blake referred to as "stereotype" in The Ghost of Abel) was intended as a means for producing his illuminated books more quickly than via intaglio.
There are illuminated books by him in cathedral of Chiusi.
The illustrated and illuminated book was in the collection of the Warsaw institute from World War II to about 1985.