A 5-year-old Binghamton girl is hospitalized with an illness linked to E. coli.
P.&G. and the other manufacturers contend that there has not been a single case of illness linked to diapers in landfills.
The first reported case of illness linked to the contamination occurred on July 5, 2007.
Kraft has recalled 1,100 cases of six products, but no illnesses linked to the Kraft plant have been reported.
The spreading crisis at Taco Bell is at least the third episode of illness linked to produce in the last three months.
Other potential illnesses linked to lead poisoning are stomach and kidney ailments and anemia.
These savvy shopping tips will help you avoid illness linked to contaminated foods at your local supermarket.
One in four Americans comes down with some kind of illness linked to contaminated food each year.
Unfortunately however its impact is limited because it only deals with the issue of respiratory illnesses linked to air pollution.
Botulism is a rare, possibly fatal illness linked to improperly canned or preserved foods.