Japan has certainly taken note of America's woes, with its leaders calling American workers lazy and illiterate.
Poorly paid, even illiterate workers dispense complex medicines.
Many also are sensitive to how difficult it is for functionally illiterate workers to own up to their problem.
He seemed not to know that illiterate and unskilled workers like him stood little chance of obtaining visas.
Corporations have also become interested in learning centers as a possible solution to the problem of illiterate workers or workers with poor basic skills.
The emphasis on education and literacy stems from the understanding, explained by Lenin, that illiterate workers or peasants can't become subjects of political struggle.
These are workers and gatherers illiterate, of course.
The poor are landless, usually illiterate workers and peasant farmers who have little political influence.
A public letter writer was a respected man to the illiterate workers of the south.
Seattle's leaders announced the plan just a few days after a leading Japanese politician called American workers lazy and illiterate.