"Furthermore," she added, "spraying only exacerbates the drug problem by destabilizing communities that are trying to get out of illicit crops and grow legal alternatives."
The illicit crops, almost literally, made money grow on trees.
Nothing, it seems, compares to the ease and profitability of illicit crops.
The civil war proved something of a golden age for illicit crops.
The police might search for illicit crops by looking for locations that show high amounts of those particular colors.
In 1995 Mexico increased the eradication of illicit crops.
If rumor was correct, they grew illicit crops in the upcoast regions and distributed them among refugees.
With a credible peace, he said, "We can really say that the years of illicit crops are numbered."
The costs to start planting are quite low "given that the majority of property rights on land planted with illicit crops are ill defined."
At the time of their arrest, 232 marijuana plants were found in the house, along with complete lighting and watering systems to cultivate the illicit crops.