In the first few years of their marriage, the couple lived in Spain before Leka was expelled from the country for illicit arms dealing.
In their search for illicit arms in the village, the British troops inflicted considerable material damage on the village.
If Russian individuals or companies continue secretly to provide Iran with illicit arms and technologies "to make money - we will try to terminate these activities."
But he added that North Korea would continue to face such penalties unless it stopped trafficking in illicit arms and drugs.
For decades, rampant gun violence had been fueled by the influx of hundreds of thousands of illicit small arms into the country.
Military teams have scoured dozens of suspected weapons sites, but have not discovered illicit arms.
You were the one who lured my husband away from my marital bed into your illicit arms, or have you forgotten that, second queen?
"There are illicit arms," said another kif in coldest tones.
After all, only a steady supply of ammunition enables illicit small arms and light weapons to continue to wreak havoc.
The United Nations troops also are to assist the Lebanese government in securing borders and ports to prevent entry of illicit arms.