They rode trains south through China and passed illegally into two Southeast Asian countries, which humanitarian aid groups asked not to be identified.
He has twice finished second here, including last year's controversial finish, and lost the race in 1995 on the final laps for illegally passing the pace car.
This also applies for illegally passing a border oneself, for illegal immigration or illegal emigration.
A related topic is illegally passing a border oneself as a stowaway.
They recorded cars and trucks illegally passing randomly selected buses two to three times a day.
Those statistics show that thousands of vehicles illegally pass New York State school buses each day.
An aircar was seen leaving the shuttleport at the time of the attack, passing illegally through a traffic control space.
Each of them had paid 1500 euros to the traffickers in order to pass illegally to Italy's southern coasts.
Wallace, who started second behind Gordon, illegally passed him en route to the opening green flag.
Instead, he admitted to illegally passing on documents, without mentioning Israel.