The judge said that the one intelligible claim they had lodged-that the Massachusetts Republican Party had illegally excluded 17 elected state delegates from participating in the national convention because they had refused to commit to a particular nominee-failed because political parties have a right to exclude people from membership and leadership roles.
When Charles II died in 1685, Sedley was illegally excluded from the parliament of his successor James II, which convened on May 1685.
The Federal district judge who found two months ago that Los Angeles County had illegally excluded Hispanic people from representation on its governing board has now imposed a plan aimed at remedying that discrimination.
A1 Nigeria Court Backs Opposition Nigeria's highest court ruled that electoral officials had illegally excluded a top opposition candidate for president from the ballot.
It was started as an alternative to United Way and in 1980 a federal court ruled that NBUF had been illegally excluded from the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC).
The lawyers in the class-action suit contend that the Cubans are already in United States territory and that they are illegally excluded from "Congressionally-mandated asylum or refugee processing procedures without due process, and based solely on their national origin."
According to the complaint, the Department of Education "instituted a policy, practice and custom" under which children with disabilities have been "illegally excluded from school and denied educational services to which they are entitled by federal and state law."
Nigeria's highest court ruled Monday that electoral officials had illegally excluded a top opposition candidate for president, Atiku Abubakar, from the ballot for the presidential election on Saturday.
Earlier this month, the department settled a federal class-action lawsuit charging that it had illegally excluded students from Franklin K. Lane High School.
But in a unanimous decision on Monday, the Nigerian Supreme Court ruled that Mr. Abubakar had been illegally excluded, throwing an already chaotic and violent election into further confusion.