We are honest before God," said one young man, "We were singing on the streets and they've illegally arrested us.
Beltran was illegally arrested by state agents and was detained for more than a year.
Property was confiscated; people were beaten and illegally arrested.
He charged that his mother disappeared after being illegally arrested.
These rights were ignored for decades until Bob Satiacum was arrested in 1954 for fishing illegally on the river.
They received all the media attention when one of their members was arrested illegally.
It has been reported that his entire family was illegally arrested and interrogated afterwards.
He also noted 203 "massacre" victims, 186 people who involuntarily disappeared, 502 tortured, and others who were illegally arrested.
The commission's report said Ms. Kazemi had been illegally arrested.
Hundreds have been illegally arrested and tortured by militiamen in Misrata.