Police became aware that making alcohol with illegal stills was common place in the Ureweras especially at Maungapohatu .
On a ship this big, there's got to be at least half a dozen illegal stills being operated by ratings.
Not only did the county have moonshiners with generations of experience, but the remote Appalachian hollows and thick forest provided perfect hiding places for illegal stills.
Two more illegal stills were found at Sidna Edwards' house.
The Federal government never had more than 2,500 agents sniffing around for illegal stills or chasing rum runners up and down the coast.
The product of illegal stills in the United States is commonly referred to as moonshine and in Ireland, poteen.
The Hales have also amassed many assets, including land on which illegal stills have been found.
At the time, the property was haven for moonshiners operating illegal stills.
Raids against illegal stills and breweries began immediately; within six months Ness claimed to have seized breweries worth over one million dollars.
"It was very difficult to find any images of a genuine speak-easy or illegal stills," she said.