It certainly would be worth a lot of money, especially to someone involved with illegal movement of gold.
Indian reaction to the illegal movements of whites into the area was intense and hostile.
They focus on the illegal movement of weapons within Canada.
It's an illegal movement that's said they've done bombings, so people are in jail in Paris for being members.
An illegal movement in the attempt to score a try.
Freed in 1940, he again joined the illegal anti-fascist movement.
In short time, however, the notoriety of the organization and its tight connections with an illegal movement enlisted a response from Romania's leadership.
The prevention of such illegal movements is a very demanding task, as has been made very evident in this debate.
Citizens of both countries need visa to legally enter the other country; however, illegal movement and smuggling across the border are widespread.
The brotherhood is an illegal movement that has 17 members serving in Parliament as independents.