Blockbuster counter sued with a counterclaim alleging deceptive practices with its patent which it alleged was designed to maintain an illegal monopoly.
The case alleged that the league's single entity structure, whereby all players are contracted to the league (and not to individual teams) was an in fact an illegal monopoly.
The hauler contends in a pending suit that the transfer stations are illegal monopolies, violate antitrust laws and impede interstate commerce.
Mr. Flynn had piled up evidence of extortion, conspiracy and running an illegal monopoly.
Competition law does not make merely having a monopoly illegal, but rather abusing the power that a monopoly may confer, for instance through exclusionary practices.
Or the result of an illegal monopoly?
Also in 1989, Atari Corp. lost a $250 million lawsuit alleging that Nintendo had an illegal monopoly.
The Justice Department charged that the three networks had an illegal monopoly that was blocking the work of outside producers.
In 1989, Atari Corp. sued Nintendo for $250 million, alleging it had an illegal monopoly.
National Football League; survived anti-trust lawsuit in the 1960s, convicted of being an illegal monopoly in the 1980s.