They argue that the sale was done in a haphazard and potentially illegal manner and have gathered information through these websites.
A counterfeit coin cannot be converted, nor can a note issued in an illegal manner.
And he was placed in custody originally in an illegal manner.
Because it's sold in an illegal and unregulated manner, a user never really knows how strong of a dose they are actually taking.
The Ministry asked the municipal administers to rule (the so-called 300-hour rule) in an illegal manner.
And so he had built his invisible empire albeit in a profoundly illegal manner.
More important, the professional investigators have not found that the company or its employees behaved in an illegal manner.
To do so would be to change state election law in the same illegal manner as the earlier ruling, the brief says.
In addition, the Journal was found to have acted in a "predatory" and illegal manner.
In doing this, the European Parliament is moving its pawns in an illegal manner.