She had kept making illegal hits below the belt when fighting men in the class.
This is the same Rodney Harrison who has been fined more than $350,000 for illegal hits during his 11-year career.
Parcells never makes a formal complaint to the league - either about calls or what he believes are illegal hits against his players.
What are you going to do when a player dies from one of these illegal hits?
Charging, hitting from behind and boarding are examples of illegal hits.
"If that's an illegal hit, I'll take that out of my game," Marchand said.
However, the Saints were not penalized for illegal hits during that game, which they lost 36-32.
He was then suspended twice within a month for illegal hits.
So I didn't feel like it was such an illegal hit.
During his 2nd game, he was ejected for an illegal hit after throwing an interception.