She offered to buy a book from me for ten grand, but I didn't want to get involved in more than one illegal enterprise at a time.
Some would argue that selling an icy on a day as hot as July 19 was more a public service than an illegal enterprise.
But even in this time of retrenchment, the families continue to run a web of illegal enterprises, according to the authorities.
The police have found no evidence so far that other businesses involved in his operations were aware they were contributing to an illegal enterprise.
It is also believed to have about 3,000 "associates," who work or cooperate in the family's illegal enterprises.
All of those involved money that was tainted by an illegal enterprise.
Always with a picked mob under his command, and more recruits available, Matt had come to consider himself a specialist in illegal enterprises.
And he reveals doubts about the whole illegal enterprise.
Though Cadwin, himself, had engaged in illegal enterprise, he deserved rescue.
Gangs divided the city running gambling and other illegal enterprises.