The Government has snared a new and influential quarry in its long-running effort to crack an illegal international cartel in the food additives industry.
All cartels illegal under the original AMA were effectively legalized.
Rather than encouraging lawbreaking, Mr. Andreas was trying to take on the illegal Asian cartel, Mr. Bray said.
Moyes also filed a lawsuit against the NHL, alleging the league was an "illegal cartel."
The Commission imposed fines on three chemicals companies on Dec. 19, 1990, for operating an illegal cartel in soda ash.
Twenty-one law and economics professors from around the country have signed a letter urging the Justice Department to investigate the BCS as an illegal cartel.
The plea agreements were a critical break in the Government's investigation into illegal international cartels in the food and feed industries.
Jones dubbed the league an illegal cartel that puts its monopolistic kibosh on competition.
Jones is charging that NFL Properties is an illegal cartel and seeking to have it dissolved as the exclusive licensing and marketing agent for all 30 teams.
Online gambling provides increased opportunities for corrupt practices, such as fraud, match-fixing and illegal betting cartels, as online games can be set up and dismantled very rapidly.