Prostitution and the operation of brothels is illegal in many countries, though known illegal brothels may be tolerated.
However, the existence of licensed brothels does not stop illegal brothels from existing.
Said they were illegal brothels!
Miss Scarlet is a madam who operates an illegal brothel in Washington, D.C.
According to some estimates, there are 400 illegal brothels in Victoria.
The major problem with some of these estimates of illegal brothels is they do not state exactly how they are estimated.
However this did not prevent illegal brothels from thriving.
Therefore, if two women are found serving customers in the same apartment, it is an illegal brothel.
Ms. Lee spent much of her time with a video camera in the city's strip clubs and illegal brothels, and on its busy street corners.
Hotels acting as illegal brothels have sprung up along the Black Sea coast controlled, they said, by organized crime networks.