Beginning in 1837, state officials made several ill-fated attempts to find a suitable residence for New York's chief executive.
Dissension and an ill-fated attempt to corner the world wheat market in 1887 cost the firm millions.
After several ill-fated attempts at a career change, he finally gets his life's wish and leaves Walford in 2002 to tour with a band.
Ferret remembered the lad from his ill-fated attempt to learn the assassin's trade.
He was later involved in an ill-fated attempt to form a new baseball league.
After an ill-fated attempt to win her back, Steve resigns himself to the fact that she is gone.
An ill-fated attempt was made at creating a full-length album.
Except for an ill-fated attempt to convert the courthouse into a hotel during the 1940s, the building stood vacant until 1955.
Maybe because it was his one ill-fated attempt to initiate a contest of literary wits.
That resulted in a 1974 ill-fated attempt at basing the points system on money and starts.