After having been married for decades, survivors apparently feel the desire for closeness outweighs any fears about adjusting to a new partner or caring for an ill spouse again.
Mr. Delury could have shared his feelings with other caregivers, including some whose ill spouses have considered suicide.
She was elected to the Brandon City Council in 1974, and was re-elected in 1977 and 1980 before standing down to look over her gravely ill spouse.
For example, a recent A.A.R.P. poll showed that 72 percent of Americans preferred home health care to a nursing home for a frail, ill or disabled spouse.
Alone and devastated by his wife's illness, Mr. Paradise is one of nearly a dozen husbands and wives interviewed who share a common experience in caring for an ill spouse.
They won't necessarily have the authority to make important financial and medical decisions for your ill spouse.
At the sessions, a counselor with expertise in Alzheimer's disease can guide the conversation, slow everything down and offer enough encouragement so the ill spouse can participate.
Caring for an ill spouse can be exhausting, expensive, and possibly even damaging to your health.
In a study of 59 caregivers of terminally ill spouses, the nature of their attachment styles and marital quality were evaluated.
It's not easy having an ill spouse.