It is striking that delay in antibiotic therapy was associated with a higher mortality rate and that some delays were present in this very ill population.
The focus of the article was on economics without any consideration for the critically ill population that the medical industry was supposed to have served.
With a larger chronically ill population staying longer in hospitals, inpatient beds for admissions needed to relieve pressure on emergency rooms have grown scarcer and scarcer.
"This is one of the country's leading cancer centers with a desperately ill population, and they don't have any flu vaccine."
With more technology, procedures and medications, and with an aging and more ill population, the problem will only be compounded.
The number is projected to increase by more than one percent per year by 2030, resulting in an estimated chronically ill population of 171 million.
The panel voted 12-0 that the device was safe enough for use in a terminally ill population.
The department's training has evolved with the growth of the mentally ill population since the 1960's, when institutions began releasing more and more patients.
He obtained a Social worker license and worked for many Detroit social service agencies with homeless and mentally ill populations.
The mentally ill population soared in nursing homes in the 1970's and 1980's, as the trend of emptying out expensive psychiatric hospitals took hold across the nation.