Unfortunately, this friend has become racist and mentally ill during the time she was gone.
Kendall was terminally ill with leukemia during the shoot and died before its release.
He became seriously ill and depressed during both his extended stays in London.
He had been seriously wounded in the kidneys during his war service and was increasingly ill during the 1930s.
Mass hysteria typically begins when an individual becomes ill or hysterical during a period of stress.
His wife was seriously ill during that time, and had to be transported to a hospital in Taiyuan where she stayed for four months.
Pfirman became ill with kidney problems during spring training in 1937, which would have been his sixteenth major league season.
Peckinpah was seriously ill during his final years, as a lifetime of hard living caught up with him.
They were both ill at ease during the first morning meal without Uba.
In fact, she was extremely ill during the summer of 1776, having just endured a miscarriage.