Helping young offenders does not mean ignoring victims, this is not a binary situation.
It is a fundamental breach of journalism to print self-serving quotes and impressions from criminals, while ignoring victims and their families.
The abuse scandals erupted here last year when a Suffolk County grand jury report concluded that the diocese had covered up cases, failed to report complaints to law enforcement authorities, ignored victims and kept abusive priests.
Government officials facilitate trafficking by accepting bribes to allow illegal migrants to enter the country or to ignore victims forced into prostitution or labor, by receiving female trafficking victims in return for political favors, and by providing female victims in return for votes.
She cited a Suffolk County grand jury finding last year that the diocese had protected abusive priests and ignored victims.
This comment was criticized by author Edward Lucas in The Guardian who accused Murray of ignoring "the Chechens, Crimean Tatars and other victims of Stalin's murderous deportation policies."
To the Editor: Burton Caine lodged a baseless criticism against Benjamin Britten's "War Requiem" [Letters, Sept. 10], accusing Britten of ignoring victims and twisting stories.
For far too long, our judicial system ignored victims of violent crime.
She calls it inexcusable that Minnesota's law on parental notification for abortion for minors ignores victims of abuse and incest, but the law makes an exception for such girls, allowing them to keep their abortions secret from their parents.
According to these studies, the tort system ignores most victims, rewards too many of the wrong people and wastes millions of dollars on lawyers' fees.