He ignored the time and the appointments that waited for him in the world above his basement practice room.
As communication went, it was very crude, no more impressive than the random sparkles that most people ignore all the time.
They could take refuge in stasis, ignoring the time that passed between contacts with the Terra-born.
Elves ignore the time of day and have high defense in forests.
Judge added that he wouldn't completely ignore the time that has passed in between.
Such a federation would not, at least, be ignored the next time the other Americans get together to talk about trade.
Fact is, all the great German bands of the 1970s were virtually ignored the first time around.
We ignored it the first time but two minutes later we heard the man's voice again.
The hurricane has merely exacerbated what we as a society chose to ignore the first time.
You can probably ignore the time of passage into the stomach.